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Denton Automation Ltd was founded over 20 years ago to supply traveling boom irrigation equipment for horticulture. With over a thousand machines now installed in the UK and overseas good working relationships with nurseries from all sectors of the horticultural industry have been established including producers of bedding plants, flowers, herbs, salad cress, watercress, vegetable modules, plugs, mushrooms, orchids, hardy stock and cell grown trees.

The aim is to manufacture high quality, robust and reliable irrigation equipment tailored to the needs of the grower and complemented with in depth knowledge, experience and personal service. The products are continually developed to meet the ever increasing demand for more advanced technology and to reduce costs.

The workshops and offices are based in rural Sussex at the foot of the South Downs, close to the bronze age fort of Chanctonbury Ring and on the edge of the newly formed national park and, as we and the majority of our clients are located in the countryside, we are always conscious of the impact manufacturing has on the environment, therefore we try to be 'green' as possible by keeping waste and energy use to a minimum and recycling as far as is possible.

Please read on and find out more about the benefits and design of our products. If you feel your business could advance with improved watering please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to let you have a prompt quotation

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